Leaders in Safeguarding
How effective are your safeguarding arrangements?
Leaders in Safeguarding provides quality assurance and specialist support, advice, training and scrutiny of safeguarding arrangements in education, health, social care and leisure settings. We will help you to attain high standards and validate the steps you take to keep others as safe as possible.
Latest Courses
Read more about our training courses here.
About Leaders in Safeguarding
Leaders in Safeguarding was established in 2013 by Dr Dan Grant PhD Social Work (safeguarding), who has worked at senior levels in education, social care and criminal justice. Dan is a published author of academic texts, an independent social worker and risk assessor, an inspector of further education and skills and an inspector of prisons and youth justice services. He works together with a team of experts from across public services and the helping professions supporting clients to tackle some of the most difficult challenges in safeguarding. Leaders in Safeguarding Ltd has successfully completed several complex independent safeguarding reviews in schools, specialist colleges, faith organisations (IICSA) and in local government organisations including British overseas territories.
At Leaders in Safeguarding we share a vision where all children and adults at risk feel safe and where the services they receive reflect statutory responsibilities, government guidance and best practice. We are committed to helping organisations to make sure the services they provide are effective in protecting individuals from harm and promoting their health and welfare. We do this by advising, training, coaching and auditing. Many of our clients are unaware of the vast array of information and resources that a freely available to them via government and third sector organisations. The work we do is rooted in integrity and professionalism.
The Work We Do
We have a team of experts from education, health, social care, criminal justice and (current) statutory inspection to support you in providing a safe environment for children, young people and adults at risk by:
- providing specialist and experienced consultants to audit and scrutinise safeguarding arrangements, systems and practices in schools, FE, HE, faith based, and third sector organisations
- independent safeguarding Reviews and Investigations
- independent social work assessments
- consultancy to help you prepare for statutory inspection of regulated provision
- delivering first class face to face and online safeguarding and risk assessment training for DSLs, staff and governors
- reviewing and updating policies, systems and practices
- providing support with implementing the Prevent duty and conduct Prevent risk assessments in education
- supporting you with annual safeguarding audits and staff surveys
- supporting the preparation of annual safeguarding reports’ to governors
- providing training, support and supervision for designated safeguarding leads and designated safeguarding officers
- ensuring effective governance arrangements in safeguarding and child protection
- advising on information sharing and accountability in child protection and safeguarding
- consultation over safer recruitment, online background checks and single central register audits
The LIS Award
The Leaders in Safeguarding Award is a registered Quality Mark given to organisations following a thorough external audit of their safeguarding arrangements.
The process is simple, we audit against our 16 Safeguarding Standards, prepare a detailed report with recommendations for any improvement required.
Finally the audit findings are presented to our Scrutiny and Validation Panel who decide whether all of the standards are met.
Organisations reaching our Standard will receive the Leaders in Safeguarding quality mark.
Our quality mark demonstrates an organisation’s commitment to safeguarding children, young people and adults at risk.