Leaders in Safeguarding


Leaders in Safeguarding recognises your role in ensuring the safety and welfare of children and adults at risk. We can support you in the statutory and moral duty to protect and promote the wellbeing of individuals accessing health, education and social care provision by providing:

  • Scrutiny of safeguarding systems and practice
  • Policy development and practical advice
  • Expert consultancy and first-class training
  • Support and challenge to improve the quality of your provision
  • Reassurance that children and adults at risk remain safe
  • The Leaders in Safeguarding quality mark

What We Do

Our approved safeguarding consultants/auditors visit organisations to assess the effectiveness of safeguarding arrangements. This involves close examination of recruitment, training, policies and procedures as well as observation of day-to-day practice.

A full audit is conducted and a detailed report is produced.

Once this has been completed the safeguarding consultant presents their assessment and report to the Leaders in Safeguarding Scrutiny and Validation Panel for approval.

The Leaders in Safeguarding panel consists of expert professionals from health, education, social care and statutory inspection sectors.

Organisations meeting statutory requirements and the Leaders in Safeguarding Standards are approved for the Leaders in Safeguarding quality mark.

In a few cases, where there is very strong evidence of outstanding safeguarding practice, the Scrutiny and Validation Panel use their discretion to issue the Leaders in Safeguarding Gold Award.

Updating Your Policies and Procedures?

Just a reminder about some of the legal requirements and national guidance:

“Local agencies, including the police and health services, also have a duty under section 11 of the Children Act 2004 to ensure that they consider the need to safeguard and promote the welfare of children when carrying out their functions. Under section 10 of the same Act, a similar range of agencies are required to cooperate with local authorities to promote the well-being of children in each local authority area (see chapter 1). This cooperation should exist and be effective at all levels of the organisation, from strategic level through to operational delivery. Professionals working in agencies with these duties are responsible for ensuring that they fulfil their role and responsibilities in a manner consistent with the statutory duties of their employer”

Working Together to Safeguard Children DfE 2023.